I don’t think enough people are talking about how amazing Camille Ricketts is.

Welcome to my shameless fangirling :)

Janessa Lantz


FRR has set the standard for how to write “learn from the expert’s stories” content. I point people to this blog all the time — this is how to write blog posts based on an interview, this is how to organize people’s thinking in a way that they’ll read and say, “Wow! You made me sound really smart!”

Interview-based content is surprisingly difficult to do. You read a bad interview-based post and you’ll run. It’s like ending up in transcription hell. Someone can sound so smart talking and then you transcribe it and realize how little sense it makes, our brains organize verbal communications in a completely different way. Camille is a magician at communicating peoples’ ideas better than they ever could. It’s a gift.

Gabe Kleinman You’ve clearly been a student of Camille’s work :) It’s great to see her in the spotlight at last. Wonderful piece!



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