This is really fantastic. In my experience, people and organizations tend to fall in pro-process or anti-process buckets. We either see process as the magic cure-all or we fear it as the evil that will take all the magic out of our work.
I would love to hear you go deeper on the difference between good process and bad process. One common mistake I’ve noticed is that when people step into new roles they frequently start “demonstrating value” by putting process in place. It feels like a take-charge thing to do, but the end result is usually a waste — in the first month on a job we just don’t know enough about how an org works to be able to implement an effective process…and most people won’t tell you it’s a terrible process because process, on the surface, so often sounds like a good thing.
What are some other indicators like this where people use process as an excuse for giving a shit and doing the hard work? How do you identify bad process? What are the common scenarios when bad process crops up? You touch on some of this, but it sounds like there’s more you could say here :) I’m interested.